Status: In progress

What is the Managed Growth Strategy?

The Managed Growth Strategy will build on a number of adopted strategies. This includes considering the extensive feedback received through the Imagine Greater Bendigo project in 2021 where residents were asked about important issues to consider if Greater Bendigo nearly doubles in size.

The strategy will provide a framework for how Greater Bendigo should grow to accommodate around an additional 80,000 residents to 2050 based on continued current rate of growth. It will be informed by a new Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy, and an update to the Commercial Land and Activity Centre Strategy.

A number of principles will guide the development of the Managed Growth Strategy, including:

  • Future housing must be in an area of low bushfire risk
  • A range of different types of housing, including affordable housing, in well-serviced locations
  • Environmentally Sustainable Design
  • Future Development areas need to have access to utilities
  • Development prioritised in areas that can be supported with cost effective utility connections and integrated water principles
  • Access to shops and employment opportunities
  • Avoid loss of habitat and native vegetation
  • Buffer between industry and residential housing

  • Any contaminated land remediated prior to use
  • Water ways protected from residential impacts
  • Recognition and Settlement Agreements that are in place with Traditional Owners need to be considered
  • Levies, such as Development Contributions, need to be considered

Issues and Opportunities Paper

The Issues and Opportunities Paper is set out in themes – housing, environment, infrastructure, transport, economy and employment, and rural areas.

Its purpose is to identify any constraints or enablers for development early in the preparation of the Managed Growth Strategy. It has been prepared to provide some context to the community, landowners, government/servicing agencies and developers around the changes occurring in Greater Bendigo, what might happen in the future and the various factors that need to be considered in making decisions about where new housing and other development should go.

Consultation on the Draft Issues and Opportunities Paper closed on March 4, 2022.

